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ObjFileParser / Material

The Obj File Parser's Material class does not bring any new functionality to the table. It's just a container for the material properties that can be defined in an obj file.

namespace GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser
    class Material {}



The name of the material. (marked as "newmtl") This is the same name you use in a 3D modelling software like Blender or 3DS Max to reference the material.

 * @var string
public readonly string $name;


The ambient color of the material. (marked as "Ka") This usally controls the color of the object in the shadow or when a light is not directly hitting the object.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $ambient;


The diffuse color of the material. (marked as "Kd") This usally controls the color of the object when a light is directly hitting the object. This property is often also used for albedo or base color.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $diffuse;


The specular color of the material. (marked as "Ks") This property is often also used for reflection color, shininess or highlights color.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $specular;


The emmisive color of the material. (marked as "Ke") This property is often also used for illumination, self glow or light emission.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $emmisive;


The transmittance of the material. (marked as "Tf") This property is often also used for transparency or refraction color.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $transmittance;


The transmission filter color property of the Material. (marked as "Tf") This property is often also used for transparency or refraction color.

 * @var \GL\Math\Vec3
public readonly Vec3 $transmissionFilter;


The shininess of the material. (marked as "Ns") This property is often also used for glossiness or specular power.

 * @var float
public readonly float $shininess;


The index of refraction of the materials. (marked as "Ni")

 * @var float
public readonly float $indexOfRefraction;


The dissolve of the material. (marked as "d") This property is often also used for opacity or transparency.

 * @var float
public readonly float $dissolve;


The illumination model of the material. (marked as "illum")

from the obj file specification:

  1. Color on and Ambient off
  2. Color on and Ambient on
  3. Highlight on
  4. Reflection on and Ray trace on
  5. Transparency: Glass on, Reflection: Ray trace on
  6. Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
  7. Transparency: Refraction on, Reflection: Fresnel off and Ray trace on
  8. Transparency: Refraction on, Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
  9. Reflection on and Ray trace off
  10. Transparency: Glass on, Reflection: Ray trace off
  11. Casts shadows onto invisible surfaces
 * @var int
public readonly int $illuminationModel;


The ambient texture of the material. (marked as "map_Ka")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $ambientTexture;


The diffuse texture of the material. (marked as "map_Kd")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $diffuseTexture;


The specular texture of the material. (marked as "map_Ks")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $specularTexture;


The emissive texture of the material. (marked as "map_Ke")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $emissiveTexture;


The transmittance texture of the material. (marked as "map_Tf")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $transmittanceTexture;


The shininess texture of the material. (marked as "map_Ns")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $shininessTexture;


The index of refraction texture of the material. (marked as "map_Ni")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $indexOfRefractionTexture;


The dissolve texture of the material. (marked as "map_d")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $dissolveTexture;


The bump texture of the material. (marked as "map_bump")

 * @var \GL\Geometry\ObjFileParser\Texture
public readonly Texture $bumpTexture;