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Terminates the GLFW library.

function glfwTerminate() : void

This function destroys all remaining windows and cursors, restores any modified gamma ramps and frees any other allocated resources. Once this function is called, you must again call glfwInit successfully before you will be able to use most GLFW functions.

If GLFW has been successfully initialized, this function should be called before the application exits. If initialization fails, there is no need to call this function, as it is called by glfwInit before it returns failure.

This function has no effect if GLFW is not initialized.




This documentation page is prased from the glfw3.h header file, and only modified to fit the PHP-GFLW extension bindings. The original documentation copyright is as follows:

Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy