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Sets the size limits of the specified window.

function glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(\GLFWwindow $window, int $minwidth, int $minheight, int $maxwidth, int $maxheight) : void

This function sets the size limits of the content area of the specified window. If the window is full screen, the size limits only take effect once it is made windowed. If the window is not resizable, this function does nothing.

The size limits are applied immediately to a windowed mode window and may cause it to be resized.

The maximum dimensions must be greater than or equal to the minimum dimensions and all must be greater than or equal to zero.

  1. \GLFWwindow $window The window to set limits for.
  2. int $minwidth The minimum width, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
  3. int $minheight The minimum height, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
  4. int $maxwidth The maximum width, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.
  5. int $maxheight The maximum height, in screen coordinates, of the content area, or GLFW_DONT_CARE.



This documentation page is prased from the glfw3.h header file, and only modified to fit the PHP-GFLW extension bindings. The original documentation copyright is as follows:

Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy