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Brings the specified window to front and sets input focus.

function glfwFocusWindow(\GLFWwindow $window) : void

This function brings the specified window to front and sets input focus. The window should already be visible and not iconified.

By default, both windowed and full screen mode windows are focused when initially created. Set the GLFW_FOCUSED to disable this behavior.

Also by default, windowed mode windows are focused when shown with glfwShowWindow. Set the GLFW_FOCUS_ON_SHOW to disable this behavior.

Do not use this function to steal focus from other applications unless you are certain that is what the user wants. Focus stealing can be extremely disruptive.

For a less disruptive way of getting the user's attention, see attention requests.

  1. \GLFWwindow $window The window to give input focus.



This documentation page is prased from the glfw3.h header file, and only modified to fit the PHP-GFLW extension bindings. The original documentation copyright is as follows:

Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Marcus Geelnard
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 Camilla Löwy